
Body Horror From Those Who Know It Best



General Policy

Submissions will be made by email to The subject should begin with "SUBMISSION" and include the title of the work for authors, and "ARTIST APPLICATION" for visual artists.

In submission emails, the body of the email should be a brief (less than 250 word) cover letter. Cover letters should include the name you wish to be published under, list any prior publications (if applicable), and optionally, a small note about your relationship with any of the anthology's themes. Additionally, include your preferred method of contact after the cover letter.

Authors should include the body of their work attached as one of the following formats: .MD, .RTF, .TXT, or .DOCX. Visual Artists should include a link to a portfolio.

meat4meat is first and foremost intended to showcase the works of transgender creators, however the trans community is not the only marginalized community with a personal relationship to the genre of body horror. Creators who are disabled are also strongly encouraged to submit.

While meat4meat is intended primarily for adult audiences, content should largely be kept to an "R" rating- Sexual themes and submissions with some sexual content are acceptable, but please refrain from submitting erotica. If you're uncertain, feel free to submit and let us decide!

Because ethical questions surrounding the use of generative AI in commercial works are yet unresolved, submissions created partially or entirely with Chat-GPT or similar technologies are not accepted.

For Authors

Story submissions are closed. Thank you for participating!

Submissions should deal with the topic of body horror in some way shape or form, and stories of up to 5,000 words will be accepted.

For first publication rights, we offer a rate of 5¢/word ($0.05 USD), with a minimum payment of $50 USD.

For reprints, we offer a rate of 2¢/word ($0.02 USD), with a minimum payment of $20 USD.

Response times will depend on the number of submissions, but are expected to be complete by the end of the backerkit campaign, 2025.02.28 at 11:59 PM EST. All submitted stories will receive a response.

Simultaneous submissions with other publications are discouraged, but not forbidden. If you need to withdraw a submission due to acceptance in another publication, please let us know as soon as possible.

Submissions and personally identifying information will remain confidential among project staff and contractors unless explicitly granted permission by the author.

Multiple submissions are allowed, but only one submission will be selected per author.

We seek the following rights from authors.

For Visual Artists

Artist applications are open from 2024.11.22 at 12:00 AM EST until 2025.2.14 at 11:59 PM PST.

Artists will be chosen based on existing portfolios to illustrate works to accompany specific stories.

Response times will depend on the number of applications, but are expected to be complete by the end of the backerkit campaign, 2025.02.28 at 11:59 PM EST. All submitted portfolios will receive a response.

Once all stories and artists have been chosen, artists will receive a copy of each story's text, and will have five days to select a first, second and third preference.

Rates for visual artists are commiserate with the size of the piece:

Pages are 6"x9" with a bleed of 1/8" and a trim of 1/8".